Quick Answers to Common Problems
  • Q: ls Co2 extraction organic? co2supercriticalextractionmachine.com

    A: CO2 Botanical Extracts are completely natural and exceptionally pure. These highly concentrated plantextracts are free of solvent residues and impurities such as heavy metals.All CO2 Extracts are oil soluble.

  • Q: Why is Co2 better than ethanol? co2supercriticalextractionmachine.com

    A: CO2 is highly tunable. With CO2 you can vary factors such as time, temperature, and pressure to createdifferent products.Ethanol products need to go into more stages of refinement to be turned into variousproducts such as distillate.

  • Q: How long does it take?

    A: Most extractions take about an hour.

  • Q: Where do you get Co2?

    A: Food grade CO2 is available in most towns. It is used with soda dispensers and beer taps world wide. Ask the local restaurant where they get theirs.

  • Q: What is the cost per run for Co2?

    A: A one hour extraction uses about 2 lbs of liquid CO2.

  • Q: Does Co2 extraction remove terpenes?

    A: CO2 extraction is good for preserving terpenes because it is a cold separation process that can protectdelicate plant compounds.Some methods may also use ethanol to help remove terpenes before fully extracting buds.

  • Q: ls Co2 extraction better?

    A: CO2 extraction is also much better for the environment. CO2 gas is natural, so if it escapes into the air duringextraction it won't do any harm.It can also be recycled, making this method much more sustainable. Since thesolvent isn't toxic, people working with this extraction method don't face any health risks.

  • Q: Does supercritical Co2 extraction kill mold?

    A: A major benefit of supercritical co2 extraction is that the process kills any microbial bacteria,mold or mildewon the plant which guarantees the extract will be healthier for consumption. Supercritical co2 extraction is agold standard when it comes to concentrating cannabinoids and terpenes.

  • Q: How does supercritical Co2 extraction work?

    A: To perform an extraction, the plant material must be ground and placed into an extraction vessel. CO2 gasundergoes high temperature and pressure.A pump then forces supercritical co2 into the extraction vesselwhere it meets the plant and breaks the trichomes allowing it to dissolve part of the plant material.